The music is free, where’s the audience?
Tuesday night, a small community of Lipscomb students gathered outside the front of Johnson Hall to listen to live music performed by fellow students. The crowd, consisting mainly of friends of the performers, came out to show their support. Scattered along the sidewalk and grass, everyone found a place to sit and gave their full attention to the people performing.
Despite advertising efforts through Have You Herd emails and flyers around campus, it seems that not many students were aware of the concert.
The show consisted of three performers, each playing a variety of songs from originals to covers. The first performer of the night, junior Courtney Stevens, says “it was really fun and the people setting it up worked really hard. Even when the sprinklers went off! I wish more people had come, very few people came to watch.”
There will be more Johnson Porch Concerts to come. While there are no specific dates set yet, future show announcements can be found in the Have You Herd emails.