SGA Meeting March 22, 2010
On Monday, March 22, 2010 Lipscomb’s Student Government Association met to discuss and vote on many upcoming events in Lipscomb’s future.
In April, The Student Government Association (SGA) plans to host a “Think Green” week. In coordination with the SGA, senior fashion merchandising majors would like to join efforts and create “Green Week Fashion Line.” This would feature local designers that specialize in selling environmentally safe fabrics. These seniors also hope to bring in different speakers to help make students more aware of what “going green” means for the fashion world, and how it impacts them as an environmentally conscious society. The fashion merchandising seniors are asking SGA to consider helping them supply snacks and prizes for students at these events, as well as advertising, and a few small gifts of appreciation for their speakers. SGA plans to vote on this proposal in two weeks.
Saturday, April 10th, the Lipscomb Tennis Center will be hosting a “Block Party” for the Green Hills community. The Tennis Center has already discussed bringing in a DJ, face painters, and many other fun booths. This will serve as the Tennis Center’s grand opening for not only Lipscomb students, but also for Nashville. The day will start off with the Bison men’s tennis team playing Tennessee Tech. as well as the women’s team playing Northern Alabama. From there, a donor’s reception will take place. After the reception, the block party will begin lasting for around three hours. This event will be huge because it is for everyone in the Green Hills community.
The Tennis Center does not want Lipscomb students and faculty to be lost in this event. The director of the Tennis Center, Andrew Harris, is making sure that the “Lipscomb Community” also feels involved in this inaugural event. To insure this, he has created a come-and-go tennis clinic from 4-7pm that is just for Lipscomb students. All of the members of the Men’s and Women’s Tennis teams will be helping teach this clinic, for as many students that are interested.
Dean McDowell has suggested that the SGA help get the word out about this party to the students.
On another note, as the school will be physically fed through the tennis center, the office of campus ministry is trying to help the students be spiritually fed as well. Campus Ministry plans to throw a men’s banquet for the Nashville Rescue Mission. The students will host the banquet; all the food will be cooked and served by Lipscomb students. Campus Ministry plans to pay for all the decorations, entertainment, and ETS fees, but they are asking SGA for $1200 to cover the cost of food. This event is a way for the students to give back to the rescue mission. Campus Ministry wants to offer them a special meal that will feed around 100 men in Shambiln Theatre, and help get all students involved. This event is planned for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 from 5-8pm. SGA plans to vote and reach a decision at their next meeting.