Lipscomb by the numbers: IT
This week’s Lipscomb by the numbers heads over to the IT department. IT helps students with various tech problems, from internet issues to school software malfunctions. They assist students mainly through help desk tickets and phone calls. How many students do they help, though?
In the fall 2022 semester, IT answered 1,920 phone calls. So far this semester, they have already answered over 200.
Since their new help desk ticketing software went live on June 15th, the IT department has answered 5,753 help desk tickets. The fall 2022 semester saw 3,401 help desk tickets answered. Already this spring semester has seen 941 tickets submitted and answered. And even as of this past week, 143 were submitted just between Monday and Friday.
The IT department has experience helping with nearly 6,000 issues. If you have an issue with your tech or Lipscomb software, IT is the place to take it.