Watch for Bobo the Bison; he’ll appear soon
Republished from The Babbler, Vol. 31, No. 13, Jan. 25, 1952.
For the past fifty years, a nondescript character has been roaming the campus of DLC. Though reticent and unassuming, he has always displayed a confident gleam in his eye. He has never missed a day in chape, has shouted vigorously for the team at every ball game, and has eaten insatiably at every dorm party. Present at every Freshman Mixer, he has drunk more cider and eaten more doughnuts than anyone else. In fact, he eats most anything and is always the first in the cafeteria line.

Every September he has been the most excited person, greeting old friends and making new ones. He is most amiable in his quiet, unpretentious ways, and gets invited to every outing in the fall and spring. In the winter, he spends more time in the library reading magazines when he’s supposed to be studying. In the spring, he enjoys the outdoor suppers and watching the couples stroll hand in hand under the maple trees. Always lending an understanding ear, he has heard more woes of the homesick girl, the heartbroken lad. The Babbler, Backlog, and the Tower could not have been published without his aid. Many a night has he stayed up late to meet a deadline.
Fall Schedule
His schedule would put Brother Collins to shame–LEP programs, Saturday night parties, ball games, club meetings, working with Brother Kerce around the campus, etc. From a babe in David Lipscomb and James Harding’s time in 1851 to the strutting figure of today, he has witnessed the gradual growth of this institution, and has been partially responsible for it, too. With President Pullias he engineered the program of enlarging Lipscomb. It was through his efforts that Lipscomb transformed from a junior into a senior college. At present he is using forceable pressure to enter Lipscomb into the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Adopted by Board
One day while surveying with pride these 40 acres, he no longer could contain himself. At a recent Student Board meeting (he has been at every one) he vehemently demanded recognition. For the first time in the history of DLC, Bobo the Bison made his appearance, dressed in a pair of white trousers and a purple sweater bearing a gold “L.” He was immediately adopted, but to this he protested.
“I belong here folks. It’s you that I’ve adopted. I’ve been here longer than any of you, and furthermore, I’ll still be around when you’re gone. Now, let’s get down to business…”
Spirit of Lipscomb
Thus the once obscured figure of Bobo the Bison is now a commanding one. His name is on the lips of every DLCian. Every eye is on the lookout for him. The paradoxical thing about it is that he has been, is, and will always be in circulation. In the past years, he has been an evading, elusive “spirit.” Yes, “spirit” indeed–the Spirit of Lipscomb.
by Florita Agsalud
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