Lipscomb’s 60th Singarama comes to a close
Lipscomb’s 60th Singarama came to an end with the final performance on Saturday.
The sweepstakes category went to “Diamond in the Rough”. The group consisted of members from the social clubs Phi Sigma, Phi Nu, Tau Phi and Sigma Alpha, as well as friends.
The categories for the last show were best vocals, entertainment and overall sweepstakes. Best vocals and entertainment went to the group “Shine Bright Like a Diamond”.
Junior marketing major, Lexi Peden and her sister, sophomore music industry studies major Isabella, co-directed the winning group. Isabella says she is speechless and winning doesn’t feel real.
“Lexi and I have been working on this for what feels like forever, and to end it on such a good note is a dream come true,” Isabella said. “I can’t image doing this with anyone else. She’s my co-director and best friend for life”.

For many students this was their last time being able to perform in Singarama.
“As a senior it means so much to win Singarama since it’s the last time I will get to be on stage with all my Greek life friends.” Senior business management major Anna Claire Latta said “It’s so bittersweet thinking that it’s my last, but winning makes it so much sweeter.”
And for many others, this was their first time.
“It means being a part of something bigger. It was more than just winning,” freshman nursing major Zoe Curtis said. “It was getting closer with my club and people in our show, making memories that I will never forget.”
The long hours of rehearsal might have been not as bad as it seemed, because Curtis also says she can’t wait to keep partaking in Singarama for the next three years.
Singarama isn’t just a competition to win, it’s also a chance to grow relationships with individuals in a social club and outside of one.
Amelia Creasey a social work major, talked about winning Singarama and how much it meant to her, but more than that it was the overall process and relationships she built through the practices and time spent all together that meant a lot to her. “We put in such hard work and I really made such good connections [with everyone], so winning is just the cherry on top,” Creasey said.
“This has been such a blessing to me to meet new people and get closer to the people I love.” freshmen fashion merchandising major Maycee Finkbeiner says, another student who said this was more than just a weekend performance.
While the last show was bittersweet, all three groups gave it their all, making it a memorable experience for the audience and most importantly the students participating.