Lipscomb students get excited for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
Republished from Lumination Network, Dec. 17, 2015.
Students have shown a great force of excitement as “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” approaches its opening day.
During Star Wars week, Lipscomb has had everything from Star Wars-themed shirts in the bookstore to a spray-painted Star Wars Bison.

Although many claimed the Star Wars story ended with “Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi,” George Lucas sold Lucasfilm Ltd. to The Walt Disney Company, which then proceded with production on the new film in 2013, and a huge casting call that followed.
“I’m excited to see if Disney royally messes it up or not,” junior Carson Lassiter said. “I’m excited to see what they do with the villains and the Empire.”
Junior Caleb Finley said he was also excited to see where other characters end up.
“I’m most excited to see the character development within Han Solo and Princess Leia,” Finley said. “[I’m also excited to] find out the mystery behind where Luke Skywalker ended up.”
Speculation is amongst other students as well. For many, it’s part of the fun — guessing what’s going to happen within the story of the new movie.
“I hate to ruin this, but Luke is going to be the villain,” junior Phillip Moore said. “Also, no Jar Jar.”
Lucas’ Gungan character Jar Jar Binks is mostly despised amongst the fanbase, and the hate for him is voiced on campus as well. A theory by Reddit user Lumpawarroo popped up amongst the Star Wars community. It’s a very detailed theory that supports the idea of Jar Jar Binks being an evil Sith collaborator. Finley said he’s seen the theory.
“We obviously already been told that Jar Jar Binks is not in it,” Finley said. “I finally read the theory and hate that it makes sense, but I’m glad Jar Jar Binks won’t be in it.”
In a recent press conference for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” producer Kathleen Kennedy announced that Jar Jar Binks will not be in the movie, along with Ewoks, in response to moderator Mindy Kaling’s question of what will not be in the new movie.
Despite the lack of Ewoks, Finley, along with many others, said he is excited to see it.
“I’m not very nervous about it,” Finley said. “I trust J.J. Abrams.”
The film is scheduled for release on December 18, 2015.