Introducing Herd Media
We are Herd Media. As our predecessors in Lipscomb student media have done on multiple occasions since our beginning in 1923, we usher in a new name, identity, and direction for our content nearly a century later in 2022. Lumination Network has officially become Herd Media, Lipscomb’s student media outlet and the flagship offering of the Department of Communication and Journalism. Lumination Network, the previous moniker for Lipscomb’s student media source, saw a transition from a printed, physical newspaper to all-online news content. Rather than casting Lumination aside and starting anew, Herd Media stands to build on and continue the online journalism base that Lumination established. Specifically, Herd Media will…
Havalind Acts
Republished from The Babbler, Vol. 4, No. 1, Oct. 5, 1923. The paper of David Lipscomb was formerly named “Havalind Acts.” It appeared once every month in bound volume. Its capacity was about 2,000 words. A paper this size was rather small to represent successfully the activities of this school. Much news that would have been of interest to alumni and friends had to be omitted and only the main events could be featured in the paper. Then, also, the lack of space prohibited the giving to every individual student a chance to paper was largely the editors’ paper, and was not sufficiently large to accommodate the writings of the…