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Party Pump Club Debut

LA Party Pump is the new groove at Lipscomb Academy. This new dance club will get the school moving. Members Jacqueline Hesselrode, Presley Miller, and Sydney McGaughey tell us what we can expect. 

Unlike many other clubs, Dance Club was a more spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment choice. 

Hesselrode said, “Me, Sydney, and Presley attended the YMCA to go to Zumba classes, and one day I asked Sydney if we should start a club, like a Zumba club, and she thought that was a great idea.”

It didn’t take long for the faculty to approve this club and let it launch. The charter members knew they needed a sponsor, and Miranda Giles, known to her students as “Senorita,” seemed like the perfect fit.

“We chose Senorita because we’ve known her for the past four years as cheerleaders and she’s super fun and super energetic,” Miller said. 

Giles and the members are excited about the possibilities this new club could bring. Miller says they want the dance club to be an opportunity to get everybody from every grade involved in something together. 

“I think I’m mostly excited about the relationships and the opportunity to work out doing something I love,” Dance Club member Jake Rosenthal said.

Starting a new club requires preparation and organization. According to Hesselrode, in order to prepare, charter members have been attending Zumba classes and using their flex time to come up with dances.

The main setbacks have been selecting a time and place, but the members have worked to try to address these problems.

“Due to the amount of responses that we received, we need a bigger space,” McGaughey said, “so right now, we’re thinking we’re gonna do it in the aux gym.”

To accommodate most people’s schedules, the club is going to consider moving the start time to 7:00 p.m. on Mondays. At this time, people would likely already be done with other activities. 

“I’m expecting to have a lot of fun, and I’m expecting to feel healthier and feel better about myself while working out,” Rosenthal said.

According to the members, participants can expect a lot of fun music featuring artists such as Taylor Swift, Pitbull, Justin Bieber, and more. They can also expect six different dances that are demonstrated for the participants to follow, people are more excited than ever!

Overall, the dance club is going to present high school students with a new chance to get together and have a great time. It is something that we can look forward to and get pumped about.