Lipscomb by the numbers: Lippy Lunatics trip
This week’s Lipscomb by the numbers goes back to Thursday the 2nd, when Lipscomb’s Lippy Lunatics traveled 232 miles to Kennesaw State University to support the Lipscomb Bisons men’s basketball team at the ASUN championship semifinals.
Lippy Lunatics worked with Lipscomb to get two charter buses for the drive and 100 tickets to the game. They put the word out, and 66 people boarded the two 50-passenger charter buses at 11:45 in the morning on March 2nd.
Together those 66 students rode for over three and a half hours on the 232 mile trip to KSU. The students packed into KSU’s Convocation Center, after out-cheering a group of KSU students outside the doors.
There were 3,137 students and fans in the Convocation Center, most of them KSU fans. However, more Lipscomb fans and family members had come outside of the bus trip, and there had to be at least 200 Lipscomb fans in the building, filling both levels on their side.
Somehow the Lipscomb fans and Lunatics were louder most of the time than the KSU fans were, despite being seriously outnumbered.
The bus trip made Lipscomb history, being the first time anything like it had happened since 2009. And the Lunatics know one thing for certain – next year, the numbers will be higher.